The Blended Oasis is an emerging woman-owned business. Currently, one of my focuses is on attracting followers, expanding clientele, establishing trust, and fostering commitment. As part of this effort, I am enhancing my presence on social media and running the following promotion.
To show my immense gratitude, you will automatically be included in a random drawing for a $100 Customized Gift once I reach 500 subscribers. Please follow these steps in order to qualify in the drawing:
1. Subscribe to my Youtube channel.
2. Share my videos/channel.
3. Email me at with your email address since some Youtube subscriber profiles are set to private. If your profile is not public, I may not be able to contact you.
To qualify for the giveaway, you must complete all three steps. If you win, I will personalize a free gift of your choice, valued at up to $100, with shipping included to the United States.
Below are some additional social media platforms I'm exploring. I'm currently experimenting to determine the most effective platforms for business growth and increasing engagement. Please consider following, liking, and sharing my channels and videos. 
Your involvement and support are highly valued as I work on expanding and nurturing our family of six: me, my husband, three children, and our dog.

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